Saturday, July 26, 2008

Best Friendships Are Harder Than Relationships.

Hello everyone I would like you all to meet 1 of my 2 best friends, her name is Racquel De La Cueva. I met her at the end of 7th grade simply because my main man Sal had a crush on her (=. We didn't start out as best friend's we both secretly had a crush on each other, but as time went on we became best friends, we USED to never fight it took til about the end of the 8th grade year for our first fight, from then we fought all the time still do, we argue sometimes about little things but eventually they become bigger things. Recently I told Racquel that she changed, told her that it felt like she didn't want to talk to me. The other day she was telling me about a recent fight she had with her other best friend Kim and being the person I am I found myself with nothing to say, "That's too bad" i said. It took her til the next day to reply to me, she then told me she felt she wasn't the only one who has changed and that I'm not there for her as much as i used to be, but what she has failed to realize is i haven't changed one bit i have always been short for words when she has told me about her problems. Now I love this girl truly with all my heart, but lately it seems like we can't go more than a couple days without fighting. But i like to say that after our fights it feels like we are closer than ever, so id like to call our "fights" constructive criticism, and I really honestly hope everything goes back to normal and we are closer than ever before. But time will tell...

Yours Truely,
-David J. Rutherford.

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